Aslıhan Seçkin & Pınar Okan Class Observation Week 4

1. Class
Teacher's Name: Başak Arslan
Grade: 3-B
Hours: 1
Course Book: Fun For Starters - Cambridge English
Subjects Covered: Rooms of a house, students' favorite rooms
General Notes: Teacher followed the course book activities. Students talked about their houses, favorite rooms and what we can find in their rooms. Additionally, same students participated over and over again. ( 4-5 students)

2. Class
Teacher's Name: Kübra Zafer
Grade: 3-C
Hours: 1
Course Book: Star Kids
Subjects Covered: Living and Non-living things
General Notes: She started the class with a video showing the features of living and non-living things. Then gave two pieces of paper to each student to draw living or non-living things and write what they are. At the end of the class, she collected them.

3. Class
Teacher's Name: Başak Arslan
Grade: 3-A
Hours: 1
Course Book: Fun For Starters - Cambridge English
Subjects Covered:  Rooms of the house, students' favorite rooms
General Notes: 3-B and 3-A followed the same activities and the pages during one hour class time. The teacher was the same so we did not observe anything different from 3-B.

4. Class
Teacher's Name: Kübra Zafer
Grade: 3-D
Hours: 1
Course Book: Star Kids
Subjects Covered: Present Continuous Tense
General Notes: One of the students read a couple of sentences in the book which are in three different forms. (+,-,?) The teacher emphasized the importance of using auxiliary verbs because some students forgot to. Then they followed the course book activities. The teacher wanted them to give example sentences and they wrote on the board one by one.


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