Teachers’ Names: Merve Metin
Grade: 2D  
 Hour: 1
Subject Cover: Animals
General Notes:
First of all, I want to mention about overall ambience in the class. Today I observed only 2 classes, which were 2B and 2D. In the first place, I will talk about 2D. Especially, the  teacher and the students were really friendly. I realized that they were happy and to be there. Generally, students asked some questions about whatever they wanted, they were not ignored it by their teachers. Students were really enthusiastic to learn new things. In addition, they are really lucky students because their learning environments were designed with a good technology. At this stage, while the teacher was teaching the lesson as using activities of smartboard, some of the students were stand up and came to the board and they taught the smartboard.
Teacher’s name: Fatma Karakuzey
Grade: 2B
Hours: 2
Subject cover: Animals
It was a good class.  Body language of the teacher was good; she did best to promote the students for joining the lesson. Class was well-behaved. All of them were enthusiastic to attend the activities. On the other side, Fatma teacher used school’s materials. Her language was really fluent. Students were speaking English in during the class hour.


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