Mervenur Gökçe- Yasemin Bakırbaş Class Observation Notes

This week we observed three classes which were 2/C, 2/A and 4/B.

2/C  Teacher: Stella Havuçoğlu  Substituent : Fatma Karakuzey

Since the real teacher could not come to the class, Fatma teacher ruled the class. Students were familiar with the teacher so they did not have a problem. Students did true/ false activity about animals. For instance, 'Kate has a dog.' After doing true/ false activity, students categorized animals as farm, wild or domestic so they practiced the words. In addition, learners were eager to have a lesson.

2/A  Teacher: Fatma Karakuzey

At the beginning of the lesson, the whole class was not concentrated. They were shouting and punching one another. The teacher were able to start teaching. As an activity, students looked at the pictures in their books and answered the questions about animals. While doing the activity, they were focusing on lesson. As a final activity, students matched the animals with their homes. To conclude, students had a chance to practice what they had learned in previous classes.

4/B Teacher: Hilal Sağlam

The whole class was very concentrated and seemed to want to learn something. Since previous weeks, they were designing a book which includes character, time, place etc. They keeped on doing this. Each student designs a book on her/his own. They make up stories,place, time etc. It is a good kind of self working activity.


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