
Showing posts from February, 2018

Cansu Akyol Week 5 Classroom Observation

8-A    1. ve 2. ders Öğretmen; Erdi BUGAY 1.ders: Her hafta olduğu gibi bu hafta da ilk ders ödev kontrolüyle geçti. İngilizce Teog Test kitabındaki ödevler kontrol edildi sorular tek tek üstünden geçilip cevaplandırıldı. Hoca yanlış olan soruları anlatıp feedback verdi. Dersi kaynatmaya çalışan birkaç öğrenci var sınıf tarafından da seviliyor bu tipler. Hem derste başarılı hem sınıfta popüler, hocaya karşı da hem esprili hem sevecen bir çocuk var ondan dolayı sınıfta sohbetli esprili bir ders ortamı var. Soru cevaplamanın yanında hocanın da dahil olduğu pek çok alakasız sohbet oluyor arada kızıyor arada gülüyor hoca da espri yapıp karşılık veriyor falan baya saldım çayıra tarzı bir ders planlaması var diyebiliriz  :D 2. ders:  Moonlight kitabına geçtiler. Üniteler konu konu ayrıldığı için kitapta bu haftanın konusu Science tı. Hoca yine testleri cevaplattırdı. Öğrencilere testteki paragrafları, diyalogları sesli okutturarak telaffuzlarını kontrol edip düzeltti...

Pınar Okan Week 5 Classroom Observation

February 27, 2018 1. Saat Teacher's Name: Başak Arslan Grade: 3-B Hours: 1 Course Book: Fun For Starters - Cambridge English Subjects Covered: Some/Any Bu derste Aslıhan unofficial sunumunu gerçekleştirdi. 2. Saat Teacher's Name: Kübra Zafer Grade: 3-C Hours: 1 Course Book: Star Kids Subjects Covered: Simple Present Tense Hoca sınıfa girdi ve Simple Present Tense konusu hakkında review yapacağını ve ödevleri kontrol edeceğini söyledi. Akıllı tahtadan konuyla alakalı alıştırma açtı ve öğrenciler ‘Hocam bunu daha önce yaptık’ dediler. Hoca da ‘Evet biliyorum, tekrar yapacağız’ dedi. Alıştırmaya başlamadan önce hoca konuyu hatırlatmak amaçlı birkaç örnek cümle yazdı tahtaya. Daha sonra alıştırmaya geçtiler. Sınıfı 3-4 kişilik gruplara ayırarak, sırayla tahtadaki alıştırmayı yapmalarını istedi. Dersin ortasına doğru kar yağmaya başladı ve öğrenciler büyük bir heyecanla pencereden kar yağışını izlemeye başladılar. Hoca 5 dakika bakmalarına izin verdi ve son...

Aslıhan Seçkin Class Observation Week 3

Date: 27.02.2018 1. Class Teacher's Name: Kübra Zafer Grade: 3-C Hours: 1 Course Book: Star Kids Subjects Covered: Simple Present Tense General Notes        İlk olarak öğretmen bir önceki ders öğrenilen konuyu, Simple Present Tense'i hatırlattı. Sonra 3rd person singular'ın -s takısı alması üzerinde durdu. -s, -es, -ies şeklinde listeledikten sonra, bunlarla ilgili birkaç örnek yazdı, bunu takiben smartboarddan konuyla ilgili bir aktivite açtı. Aktivitede öğrencilerden ögeleri karışık olarak verilmiş cümleleri düzene sokmaları istendi. Sıra sıra tahtaya gelip aktiviteyi tamamladılar.( bu arada bir yerde kar yağmaya başlayınca çıldırdılar tekrar toparlamak biraz zaman aldı.) Aktiviteden sonra , öğretmen Sİmple Present Tense'in negative ve question formunu tahtaya yazdı. Subject verb agreement anlattı. Bunlardan sonra smartboarddan tekrar bir aktivite açıldı ama bu aktivite prepositions ile alakalıydı, öğrenciler cümledeki boşlukları üst tarafta verilen pr...

Kardelen Ozel - Classroom Observation Notes

Class: 6B Teacher: Hande Özkan Hour: 2 Materials used in lesson: Hand- outs, Smartboard Subject: Present Perfect Tense Teacher brought hand-outs about aux verbs and asked students to cut the paper and stick it to their notebooks. -Teacher brought extra scissors and glue for students who forgot to bring their own materials. -Teacher gave short and clear instructions and used simplified language throughout the lesson. It took at least 15 mins for students to complete cutting the paper and I think that 15 min could have been used more effectively. If I were in her place, I would ask students to do it at home not to waste 15 mins. Teacher asked students to complete an activity about aux verbs and gave them 10 mins for 24 blanks and then they checked the correct answers all together on the smartboard. There were no time for the last 6 questions... - Teacher answers students' questions right away and I realized that she often uses positive sentences. Instead of saying ...


1. Class: Teacher's Name: Stella Havuçoğlu Grade: 2C Hour: 1 Course Book: Smiles 2 Subjects Covered:Present continuos tense, weather conditions Öncelikle öğretmen derse geldiğinde sınıfta çocuklar arasında bir tartışma vardı. O sorunu çözmeden derse başlamadı. Onlara sakince sorular sordu ve ne olduğunu anlamaya çalıştı. Daha sonra onlara birbirlerinden özür dilemelerini istedi ve derse başladı. Derse ilk olarak video ile başladı. Çocuklar pür dikkat izledi ve onunla ilgili soruları cevaplarken konuyu, yeni başladıklarından dolayı bilemeyip yanlış yaptılar. O anda hemen tahtaya kuralları yazmaya başladı. Şuan ne yapıyorum dedi. Kendinden yola çıkarak şimdiki zamanı anlatmaya, örnekler yazmaya başladı. Gayet başarılıydı. Konuları şimdiki zamandı ve hava durumuyla ilişkili olarak o konuyu ele alıyordu. Tam kar başladı ve çocuklara dışarı bakmalarını söyledi ve karın yağdığını söyledi. Büyük bir şanstı çünkü izlenilen videoda da kar yağıyor ve çocuklar kardan adam yapıyordu...

Merve Gül Soyluoğlu 27 Şubat Gözlem Raporu

Teacher's Name: Stella Havuçoğlu Grade: 2C Hours: 4 Course book: Smiles Pupil's Book Subject: Present Continious Tense General Notes: Dersin başında öğrenciler arasındaki bir sorunu çözdü. Sorun çözülmeden derse başlamadı. "Now, at the moment" kelimelerini anlatmak için olağanüstü bir çaba sarf etti. Türkçe kullanmadan 2. Sınıflara bazı kavramların verilmesi zor olabiliyor. Present Continious tense i deductive bir şekilde verdi. Bazi öğrencilerde bir anlam boşluğu olduğunu gördüm. Fakat daha çok etkinlikle sorunun çözülebileceğini düşünüyorum. Ders esnasında kar yağdı. Bütün öğrenciler camlara koştu. Öğretmen kar yağışını izlemelerine izin verdi. Derse tekrar başladiginda çocukların çoğu derse hemen adapte oldu. Bu yüzden öğrencilere bu izni vermesi güzel oldu. Teacher's Name: Fatma Karakuzey Grade: 2B Hours: 5 Course book: Smiles Pupil's Book Subject: Present Continious Tense General Notes: Ders boyunca öğrencilerden Present Continious Tense cü...

Buse Çetin Third Week Class Observation

Teacher's Name: Erdi Bugay Grade: 8A Hours: First and second hours Course Book: İngilizce Teog Test Kitabı (ilk saat), Moonlight (ikinci saat) Subjects Covered: Science General Notes: Yine önce ödev kontrolü ama sadece kim yaptı diye bakmayıp aynı zamanda sözel olarak da soruları cevaplıyorlar. Öğrencilerin kitaplıkları dışarda, kitap değiştirmek zorunda olduklarında sınıfta karmaşa meydana geliyor, dışarı çık, kitabı al, gel; tekrar kontrol etmesi zorlaşıyor. Hoca tahtaya bilinmeyen kelimeleri yazıyor ama bunları türkçe anlamları ile veriyor. Exp: hearing impaired-duyma engelli, the people who can't hear or lose hearing ability gibi açıklayabilirdi. Çocuklar texti karışık okudu, sen devam et diyerek çocukların dikkatini çekebildi. Fakat çocukların pronunciation hatalarını directly düzeltiyor, peer correction ya da söylediği şeyi tekrar ederek hatasını fark etmesini sağlayabilir. Teacher's Name: Zeynep Tüzün Grade:7A Hours: Third and fourth hours Course Book:Check ...

Naz Kolsan & Turkan Etiz

NAZ KOLSAN - TURKAN ETIZ WEEK 4 CLASSROOM OBSERVATION      1)       Teacher’s Name: Erdi Bugay       Grade: 8th       Hours: 1       Coursebook: Depp       Subjects Covered: Unit 6 Adventures (Present Perfect vs. Past Simple)       Notes: They were assigned with a test on the Depp Book. The class were a bit reluctant to participate in, but the teacher encouraged them. They completed the items one by one. The teacher made some extra explanations as to the antonyms of the vocabulary covered. The pronunciation of some words were incorrect, such as change ( /tʃandʒ/ wrong — corrected by the teacher as /tʃeɪndʒ/).       2)           Teacher’s Name: Fatma Karakuzey       Grade: 2nd       Hours: 2       Coursebook: Picture Dictionary       Subjects Covered: Have got ...

Kardelen Özel & Sevim Özcan Classroom Observation Notes

Teachers’ Names: Fatma Karakuzey Grade: 2-C  Hour: 1 Subject Cover: Animals General Notes:   Different classes were observed by us, first one was 2-C. In the first place the  teacher was  really friendly and one of her students was ill, and she really cared about him. Students were happy to be there, and their topic was enjoyable. Teacher used technology effectively, but we realized that she does not know all of her student’s names which is not good. Moreover, she had 10 minutes to finish the class, she said what we can do, and then opened a video which was about ‘’have got/has got’’. It was not related to class objectives, it shows that this teacher does not have an extra plan. Apart from these negative sides, her English was good, and she was smiling all the time. Teacher's name: Hande Özkan Grade: 6B Studens: 15 Hour: 1 Subject: Present Perfect Tense General Notes: Teacher  showed a video about Present Perfect Tense and then explained where t...

Buse Çetin&Cansu Akyol Class Observation Notes

20.02.2018 Teacher's name: Erdi Bugay First and second hours: 8-A Subject covered: would rather/prefer, present perfect tense Comments: Teacher, first, checked the homework in a class time which is a waste of time, but he answered the questions orally and we could understand which one of them made a mistake and teacher repeated that missing point. When he taught present perfect tense, he directly gave the grammar structure on the board and wanted them to copied them on their notebooks. Moreover, he highlighted the time expressions, but gave Turkish meanings of them like just means "henüz" instead of explaining them with examples. When he wrote the structures on the board, he didn't explain anything, and students started to talk with each other. Losing classroom management is his fault because of turning back to the class, but he was yelling them because of the noise. Teacher's name: Zeynep Tüzün Third and fourth hours:7-A Course book: Check it out First homework ...

Mervenur Gökçe- Yasemin Bakırbaş Class Observation Notes

This week we observed three classes which were 2/C, 2/A and 4/B. 2/C  Teacher: Stella Havuçoğlu  Substituent : Fatma Karakuzey Since the real teacher could not come to the class, Fatma teacher ruled the class. Students were familiar with the teacher so they did not have a problem. Students did true/ false activity about animals. For instance, 'Kate has a dog.' After doing true/ false activity, students categorized animals as farm, wild or domestic so they practiced the words. In addition, learners were eager to have a lesson. 2/A  Teacher: Fatma Karakuzey At the beginning of the lesson, the whole class was not  concentrated. They were shouting and punching one another. The teacher were able to start teaching. As an activity, students looked at the pictures in their books and answered the questions about animals. While doing the activity, they were focusing on lesson. As a final activity, students matched the animals with their homes. To conclude, students ha...

Buse Akgün & Damla OKÇU & Erdem ÇAL Class Observation

1. Class Teacher's Name: Esin Özertuğrul Grade: 6-A Hours: 2 Subjects Covered: For the first hour, she made her students read the dialog in the course book which is about an extreme sport, hang gliding and she worked on some unknown vocabularies. In the second hour, students watched a video about present perfect tense and past simple. She emphasized the difference between the two of them. There was no transition between two hours and the teacher have some serious problems about her grammar and pronunciation. 2. Class Teacher’s Name: Erdi Bugay Grade: 7-B Hours: 2 Subjects Covered: First hour, he asked about what they prefer to eat when they go out. Each student shares their favourite food and drink with their friends. After that, they watched video about a recipe. However, the vide was not beneficial or instructive for students. It was just funny. In the second hour, he taught quantifiers. He wrote them on the board and he used quantifiers in the sentences. In...

Aslıhan Seçkin & Pınar Okan Class Observation Week 4

1. Class Teacher's Name: Başak Arslan Grade: 3-B Hours: 1 Course Book: Fun For Starters - Cambridge English Subjects Covered: Rooms of a house, students' favorite rooms General Notes: Teacher followed the course book activities. Students talked about their houses, favorite rooms and what we can find in their rooms. Additionally, same students participated over and over again. ( 4-5 students) 2. Class Teacher's Name: Kübra Zafer Grade: 3-C Hours: 1 Course Book: Star Kids Subjects Covered: Living and Non-living things General Notes: She started the class with a video showing the features of living and non-living things. Then gave two pieces of paper to each student to draw living or non-living things and write what they are. At the end of the class, she collected them. 3. Class Teacher's Name: Başak Arslan Grade: 3-A Hours: 1 Course Book: Fun For Starters - Cambridge English Subjects Covered:  Rooms of the house, students' favorite rooms General ...


EDEN 406.04 OBSERVATION NOTE 1 Teachers’ Names: Merve Metin Grade: 2D     Hour: 1 Subject Cover: Animals General Notes: First of all, I want to mention about overall ambience in the class. Today I observed only 2 classes, which were 2B and 2D. In the first place, I will talk about 2D. Especially, the   teacher and the students were really friendly. I realized that they were happy and to be there. Generally, students asked some questions about whatever they wanted, they were not ignored it by their teachers. Students were really enthusiastic to learn new things. In addition, they are really lucky students because their learning environments were designed with a good technology. At this stage, while the teacher was teaching the lesson as using activities of smartboard, some of the students were stand up and came to the board and they taught the smartboard. Teacher’s name: Fatma Karakuzey Grade: 2B Hours: 2 Subject cover: Animals It was a good class. ...

Hakan Şentürk Week 3 Classroom Observation

Teacher’s Name: Bence Nanay Grade: 3A Hours: 2 Course Book: English is Fun Subjects Covered: Passive Voice Indirect Speech Colours General Notes:  It was a fun lesson. The teacher was really good in creating a good environment for learning.